Monday, November 1, 2010

WMD Threats - Agents, Effects and Defensive Measures


  1. Hi Navneet,

    Disaster Management System will need to know the effects of N-B-C in details. Few question that I have for now:

    1. What are the sensor systems to detect N-B-C?

    2. How an Early Warning System can be built for each category

    3. What interfaces are required with various commands?

    4. What will be role of Govt Agencies? If yes, which Govt agencies? Are they prepared? or to put it other way how do we get them ready? Is there a nodal agency for this?

    5. What kind of communication infrastructure need to put in place and line of command?

    I know asking question is lot easier, but then we have to start somewhere, isn't it.


  2. Anant,
    Very interesting questions.
    To me these are absolutely essential questions on how to build a strong and robust disaster/crisis response system. However, before we reach to these - there are lot many questions on

    1. Why NBC threat is increasingly visible in the rapidly changing world of "connected" and "non-connected"?
    2. What are the contours of these threats and how these may pan out in futuristic scenarios, which chillingly are not looking so futuristic now.
    3. Can we understand these possible futures and how can we develop a greater understanding about these threats?
    4. Understanding the what and why may lead us to How, where and when answers or atleast may point us to those directions.

    Hope we can build on the set of questions that are emerging and develop a framework to address these as well.

    with warm regards
